How to Draw an Off-Road Truck
In this instruction, we want to show how to draw an off-road truck – a car with off-road and carrying capacity.
Earlier, the team of has repeatedly shown you how to draw a particular truck. And in fact, most pickup trucks have the required performance characteristics to drive on bad roads. But in this instruction, we will depict a pickup truck with, especially increased cross-country characteristics.
How to Draw an Off-Road Truck
Step 1
Traditionally, the first thing to do is draw the outline of the car with very light lines. We do this in order to indicate the main dimensions of the vehicle and its location on a sheet of paper.
Step 2
Now draw the wheel arches as large semicircles. As a reminder, you can check the proportionality and accuracy of the lines by looking at the drawing through a mirror.
Step 3
Draw the visible side of the windshield with smooth lines. Next, draw the door window. The top lines should follow the outline of the car body, and the bottom line of the window should be perfectly horizontal.
Step 4
Draw the headlamp in front and the taillight in the back. Depict a bumper below the headlight. Depict a door below the side window. Don’t forget to draw the handle as a small horizontal rectangle.
Step 5
Draw the suspension elements with a few simple lines. In the front part, depict a bullbar. To check the proportionality of the sketch, you can turn it upside down. This way you will see all the mistakes in your artwork.
Step 6
Carefully depict the disproportionately huge wheels and rims inside them. Such huge wheels, combined with a redesigned suspension, help to better overcome various off-road obstacles.
Step 7
Draw a circle in the center of each rim. Draw smaller circles around the central circle, located at the same distance from each other.
Step 8
Get rid of all the auxiliary construction lines in the sketch. Compare your drawing with what you see below these lines. If you find a mistake, then go back to the stage where it was committed and try to fix it.
To make the drawing more expressive and voluminous, add shadows and highlights to it. In addition, you can add colors and additional details such as lettering and interior elements that are visible through the glass.
can you draw a off-road truck with upgrades ( big exhaust, light bar, hitch, ) and more detail
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